This research paper investigates the effectiveness of combined flipped classroom (FC) with a plethora of Prep materials, small-group Collaboration, student Presentations, TopHat Clickers, and Engaged labs (PCPCE) on students’ achievement and cognitive engagement from the students’ perceptions. Although FC format is not new, we use a different implementation of an FC (FC-PCPCE) in a calculus class. Educational and edutainment elements were investigated through a questionnaire that assessed learning gain, relatedness, challenges, learner-related factors, and self-reflection in terms of mathematics ability and perceived interest in the subject. We analyze both qualitative and quantitative survey responses from 354 first-year students participating in calculus classes at a large Canadian public university. We compare the perceptions of FC-PCPCE students to those of students in a traditional (i.e., non-flipped) classroom. The survey analysis shows that even with many students enjoying the implementation of FC-PCPCE format, students in the traditional classroom reported higher levels of satisfaction, interest, belonging, content recall, and experienced fewer academic challenges such as procrastination. The results of this study will aid educators in designing courses that benefit students and guide researchers who wish to pursue further studies on this topic.
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Article Type: Research Article
Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023, Article No: em051
Publication date: 24 Sep 2023
Article Views: 1758
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