Keyword: interest

3 articles found.

Research Article

History of mathematical concepts and students’ cognitive understanding of mathematics: Effect of pedagogical content knowledge

Evelyn Agyei, Korsi K. Agbozo, Yarhands Dissou Arthur

Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024, Article No: em065

Research Article

The effect of using technology in teaching and learning mathematics on student’s mathematics performance: The mediation effect of students’ mathematics interest

Asare Bright, Natalie B. Welcome, Yarhands Dissou Arthur

Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024, Article No: em059

Research Article

Mediation and moderation effect of mathematics interest and teaching quality between self-concept and mathematics achievement

Michael Fosu, Yarhands Dissou Arthur, Francis Ohene Boateng, Benjamin Adu-Obeng

Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023, Article No: em024